I heard this song for the first time in October 2015 in the middle of a Soundcloud playlist I had stumbled upon. From the beginning, this song inspired a very powerful feeling inside of me that I’ve never quite forgotten.

When I used my imagination to tap into the tenor of the song, I envisioned an ancient leathery-faced man singing to summon his lost love out of oblivion.

A well-weathered man is singing the song his lover taught him when they were young, when innocence seemed like it would last forever. He has traveled across a lifetime of challenges to return home with nothing but this song. When he sings this song, his love returns to him in the light of the setting sun. Hot pink light bathes the world in every hue of orange even as the hills are cloaked in deepening purple shadows.

A little less than two years after I’d first heard this song, I was going through a particularly harsh breakup experience that had crushed my sense of self and my dreams as I knew them. I had invested so much faith in another, only to discover this person did not value our relationship as I had. Accepting the truth of this was very difficult for me, because how could I trust myself after being so completely wrong about someone who I once valued above all others?

I had led myself astray by believing so blindly in a relationship that held no water. In the wake of disillusionment, I was left in the midst of a powerful existential crisis.

What was my life about anyway if I couldn’t put my faith in another person?














At some point in the middle of this intense personal drama, the incomplete skeleton of this song’s melody haunted me. I felt a heartache to be reunited with this song whose name I never knew. I found the email where I had shared the link to the playlist, but the link no longer worked. My stomach dropped as I realized that I’d lost the one link I remembered having to access this song.

One day, I woke up from a particularly delicious sleep. I felt sleek, sexy, and well-loved. As I luxuriously stretched like a languorous cat with a happy heart, I spontaneously remembered a couple lines of the song’s melody. I recorded myself singing it several times so that I would at least have that much, but I came to accept that I would probably never hear the full song again.

After over two years of thinking I lost this song forever, it called me back out of oblivion.

I came across an old Facebook post where I had shared another amazing Soundcloud playlist which led me to finding another place where I’d saved this playlist without realizing it.


Not only did I find the playlist with this song, but the playlist info listed the names of all the songs included, and I was able to find the name of both the song and the group that was founded in Burkino Faso in 1948.

What an unexpected blessing to experience in the advent of this year’s Scorpio season!

I still feel the same deep intense recognition of love when I hear this song. It’s as if the voice is summoning my own heart out of the watery depths of emotion. Where once I felt overwhelmed and lost in the underworld, I have now come home to myself. I feel as if a faithful heart has been praying for me, faithfully lighting candles for me, believing in me, waiting for me, and watching for my return through countless years.

I no longer seek to put my faith in another person. I can trust that people will do exactly as they do, and even I fall short of the glory sometimes. Instead, I invest faith in my felt connection to my Wholeness and the Oneness that exists beyond all illusions of separation.

When I thought I was alone, this song was singing me through the dark void. It was remembering my Wholeness, and calling me home again. I can feel this love wrapping itself around my heart like a blanket of light and dancing me through the darkness. Now I can see the darkness is full of the light of twinkling stars reflected across the face of the waters. In the presence of my Love, the Dark has become a good and friendly place to be.